Solicitor Practice Exam Only



Registering for our exams

Pay for our practice exam(s) directly on our website using our secure and reliable payment platform powered by Stripe. We accept payments from all major credit cards. Our platform is Level 1 PCI compliant and uses 128 bit SSL encryption to ensure that credit card data is safe and secure.

Once your payment is confirmed, you will receive an email from our exam host containing your log-in instructions to access your online exam(s). Please note that during heavy registration traffic there may be a slight delay in sending you log-in instructions. Purchases made outside of office hours may be processed the following day.

obtaining indices

Upon payment, you will be able to download a copy of our indices. A unique download link to our indices will be made available to you for 24 hours after purchase.  Once you download the indices, you will have unlimited access to them subject to the disclaimer below:

Disclaimer: The indices are provided to you as a sample only and free of charge for your own personal use as a study-aid in preparation for the bar exams. We make no representations as to the accuracy or suitability of its contents and caution against its use as a primary study aid. The indices should not be shared with anyone without our express written consent.  Sharing our materials without our express written consent may (and has) led to aggressive legal action.

Exam questions and content.

We religiously modify our questions to reflect updates made to the bar exam materials by the Law Society of Ontario.
Each exam contains over 200 questions, which are evenly distributed throughout each exam, and cover the following subjects:

Barrister - Civil Procedure, Administrative & Public Law, Criminal Law, Family Law and Professional Responsibility 

Solicitor - Business Law, Wills & Estates, Real Estate and Professional Responsibility

Timing of the exam.

Ontario Law Exam provides exam access, including taking and reviewing the results of the exam, for approximately two weeks prior to the respective exams. During this time period, the progress of your exam is saved even if you quit, log-off, or turn off your computer.

The timing of the availability of our exams is intended to provide you the option to complete each exam under the actual time constraints of the bar exams, or work through each exam at a slower pace. This time frame also provides ample opportunity to review your results and identify areas of weakness, and is intended to reflect our design philosophy - to assist you in becoming familiar with your index, materials, and the timing of the bar exam.

Passing the exam.

We have set the passing score for each exam at 50%, or 75/150. However, your score is only provided as a method to measure your performance and by no means reflects the score required to pass the Ontario bar exams.

Re-taking the exam.

Once you have completed and graded the practice exam, you will be able to review your exam results. Should you wish to re-write the practice exam, you must re-purchase the exam.